Dental Care

Regular brushing and routine cleanings can help prevent gum disease. Contact us for more details.

These teeth are made for biting! Our pet’s love to chomp, chew and tug while they play. To keep their teeth strong, pet owners must practice routine oral care. However, taking care of your pet requires more than just brushing their teeth. Our veterinarians provide dental cleaning services and dental surgery using modern equipment in our suite. We search for underlying medical issues and monitor their condition through regular appointments. Your pet’s dental hygiene is an important part of maintaining their health. Healthy gums and teeth can mean a longer life for your pet. Please call for an appointment to assess your pet’s dental needs at 403-984-4143.

What dental services do you provide?

Our hospital is fully prepared to handle a wide range of dental complications. To catch invisible conditions, we offer X-rays that can be performed with our dental X-ray unit. We also provide root canal therapy, crown reduction to improve crooked teeth and varied oral surgeries. Our dental appointments are an opportunity to detect signs of discomfort or potential medical issues. The absence of dental problems will mean a better quality of life for you and your pet.

How do I maintain my pet’s dental hygiene at home?

Your pet’s oral hygiene will benefit from regular and attentive care. Brushing your dog or cat’s teeth at least 3 times a week keeps them safe from oral diseases. (It’s even better if you brush their teeth daily!) For the especially resistant pets, we recommend you experiment with flavoured toothpastes. If they find a taste they like, they may look forward to brushing their teeth. You should start this process as early as possible to get them familiar with the experience. Chew toys are great dental products as well. While your pet gnaws on the material, it rubs away plaque and tartar. It’s important to look out for conditions that may indicate your pet’s teeth are not in good health. If they have bad breath, bleeding or sore gums, or show signs of a toothache, please contact us to book an appointment as soon as possible.

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